Monday, December 17, 2012


I am where I am meant to be. And I am at peace with that.
Sometimes I get frustrated that I don't have more time, more money, more skills, etc. and every once in a while, like tonight, I stop and remember that God has me.
He has never let me go, even when I wonder if He has. I am where I am meant to be. And I am at peace with that.
Sometimes it feels as if I were in a tornado with everything moving so fast I feel as if I might get thrown in the winds. Time always feels like its running out. Money sometimes feels like it might just all slip away. And every once in a while I stop and remember that like a mom holding her crying baby, my God is holding me and whispering that I am safe.
I am exactly where I am meant to be. And I find peace in that.


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