Sunday, November 7, 2010

Moms Can Be Women Too

 7 Nov 2010

When I had my second son, all the memories of little hands pulling at my hair, earrings, and necklaces hit me in the face. Taking showers was limited to the amount of time it took before my new baby would cry for a feeding. Makeup would have to come off unless I wanted to irritate my little guy's sensitive skin. And forget about perfume. But after a little while, feeling like a woman was something time decided to allow. And once I remembered how to be both a mom and a lady, I was ready to be me again!

Some of us forget that we're not JUST moms. We're women too. And just because we have little hands grasped in our own, it doesn't mean we have to walk as if we're lugging around something that took the woman out of us.

I'm a single mom. I don't have anyone teaming up with me to get the housework done, babies bathed, or dinner cooked. For a while, I felt drained and that my only purpose in life was to be a mom. I soon realized that when all I'm feeling is the tiredness, I can't even be the mom I want to be to my kids. Ladies, when you're constantly being drained you have less to give. You need to take some time to remember who you were and who you want to be, then balance that with being a great mom too. Happiness is contagious, but so is stress and depression.

Every night, after the kids go to bed, I do a few chores and then have ME time. I sit outside with my dog and write, draw, listen to music, and whatever else I feel like doing. At least once a month, I take a day of leave or get out of work early and just do something for me.

I don't even have to spend money-- taking a walk by myself or with my dog is refreshing and gives me time to relax. I'll even tell you a secret-- when the kids are helping me fold laundry, I sometimes do it wearing a cute sundress just to feel pretty.

And at night, I wear some sexy lingerie and dance in the mirror just to feel sexy! Ha! Whatever blows your skirt up, right? ;)

It's important to keep in touch with yourself. Remember what makes you a good woman and reconnect with that. A happy mom makes a happy home.


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