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Monday, November 22, 2010

Ahhh Pampering

Being pampered rocks.  It does.  Manicures.  Pedicures.  Massages.  Facials.  Ahhh.  It makes me melt just a little bit inside.

Let’s face it.  If you’re single momming, sometimes it’s just not gonna happen.  If you’re on a tight budget and just don’t have the cash, there’s always gonna be something else that’s more important.  And if you do happen to save up some money, you gotta have time for it. 

And on my deployment?  I’d be lucky to shave my legs every day.  But there’s always still a longing for such things.  We deployed women usually feel less than women when we’re in boots all day, hair up all the time.  Luckily, we were able to convince leadership to allow an occasional treat. 

Once in a while, a small group of local beauticians are allowed on the camp just for a “Spa day!”  How friggin awesome is that!  Now, before you get all excited I’ll have to remind you that we’re in a deployed setting.  So how much of a spa can we really get?  I mean, hot oil treatments are cold oil treatments.  Massages are done with clothes on and no aroma therapy.  And foot spas are done in cold water.  *sigh*

But still, a treat is a treat.  And we would never let one go to waste, right?  So, I was able to get a pedicure… for the first time in my life.  Not kidding.  And it was so cool to have someone else touch my feet.  I’m a real sucker for feet stuff.  I watched as the beautician did all the cuticle work and put some vitamin oil thingy on my toenails.  And after, I noticed that she didn’t wash the tools before going on to the next customer.  Eeek! 

After that, I was a little less convinced to give a pedi another chance.  So… I went online to and found the cutest little thing:  the Handy Dandy Mani!

Handy Dandy Mani, only $9.97 at!
Although it’s not as nice as having someone else do it for you, you still get to pamper your feet.  And for free after you buy the thing!  How cool is that?  You get all the little tools and even a small bottle of polish remover.  It all comes in a cute little bag, too. 

So tonight, I gave myself a cute little pedicure.  And ladies, just because you’re deployed, strapped for cash, or have no time for a spa day, there are always ways to pamper yourself. 

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