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Personal Growth Project

You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one. -- James A. Froude

So, I've decided to start a project. I am going to pay close attention to everything and everyone around me.  To do this effectively, I've got to actually apply myself to people and places, things, sights, smells, etc.  Just be still in my spirit, my skin.  After all, I'm really just trying to connect.

Here are the things I'll be doing but won't always blog: Faith Journal, Do-Nice Log, Daily Good Stuff, Venting, Character, Hobbies & Talents, Books and Music, People, Do Something Go Somewhere, Family, and My Roots.

More specifically... 

Faith Journal:
Try to journal a prayer, bible reading, anything related to faith every day. 

Do-Nice Log
Do something nice for someone else every day. 

Daily Goodness
Acknowledge good things that happen every day.  This will help me appreciate life by keeping an eye out for beauty and wonder that most people easily forget the next day.

It's healthy as long as I don't dwell too long on the things that are frustrating me.  This will help me release some bad energy so that I am able to deal with whatever it is as gracefully as I can.

Study one characteristic a week.  Think about people I know who have this characteristic.  Do I have this characteristic?  Give examples.

Hobbies and Talents
Try my best to practice my skills, find new hobbies or at least expand on them, and write passionately.

Books and Music
Read and listen to as many as possible.  Write about my experiences with them.

Try to connect with them.  Write about my experiences with them.  This is a good way to understand why people do and say the things they do, why they are the way they are, and appreciate them as individuals.

Do Something Go Somewhere
It's too easy to get complacent.  Each week, I have to do something - just to do something.  Whether it's to watch a movie, take a walk, or just visit with new people.  As long as I make a conscious attempt to get up and do something.

Family Life
Write about the people that matter the most to me.  Nuff Said.

On My Mind
Journal whatever I'm thinking whenever it hits me.