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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Progress ... and A Visitor

I'm feeling a little proud of myself today.  I've been making a dent in the storage room so I've been a little more motivated.  I do quite well filling my little SUV until it's about to explode.  This last trip, I got to cram a bookshelf, a few big boxes, a couple of large stuffed animals, the frame for my bed and more in just one load!  Not bad for not having a truck.

Oh!  And I was able to lift that bookshelf up nineteen steps all by myself!  I was a little proud that my 100lb self could do it.  Ha ha!  I rock.

It is annoying having a bunch of empty boxes in the place as I unpack things, but I know that in time I'll get it all straightened out.  What I thought was super cool was that I was smart enough to store almost EVERYTHING.  I super-sealed a box of my spices and seasonings!  I also don't need to buy toilet tissue, paper towels, trash bags and all the little things you usually have to buy when you move.  Heck no, I even have dishwashing detergent!  How awesome is that?

It would've been perfect if I could've been able to store frozen food or even if I had ordered from Angel Food Ministries so that I could pick up the groceries as soon as I got a place.  :)  Ah well, It can't all go perfectly, right?

In the midst of all this moving, I was afforded the pleasure of having a surprise visitor.  Last night, Charlie and I went to Sonic for some coffee.  After getting out of the car, we headed up the stairs and out of nowhere came this cat!  It ran quickly up the steps at Charlie's side.  When I opened my door, Charlie ran in ... followed by the cat.  I stood there, stumped.

It went inside and started rubbing its little body all over the place!  Charlie tried to play with him but Charlie is a big dog who is more like a giant puppy, so when he plays with other animals he can be... overwhelming.  So the cat swatted Charlie on his face and Charlie decided to follow him around instead.

Now anyone who knows me knows what a sucker I am when it comes to strays.  Heck, Charlie was a puppy about to be surrendered to the humane society!  Now almost two years later, I won't shake him off.  So, this cat couldn't have chosen a more perfect sucker.  But.  I am in the process of moving, haven't even brought my kids into the home yet, PLUS Patrick is allergic to cats.  I could not keep this cat in my home.

So, before I let him get comfortable, I had to put him back outside with a towel by my door so he wouldn't get too cold.  Of course he had already wandered off by the time I peeked outside to check on him.  This morning, I asked a neighbor about him and she said he belongs to another tenant and just roams the place.

So, to sum it all up, I've been having a very progressive move.  So progressive that someone's cat decided to try to move in with me like I wouldn't notice.  And I found that I could lift something like a heavy bookcase up my stairs without any help.  So it might get even better tonight and tomorrow!


What has two thumbs and would rather lie on the floor of an empty living room complaining about moving than to actually get to moving?

Me.  J Shine, that's who.  Wahhh.  I don't wanna!!

Ugh.  Okay, so I've been back and forth to the storage unit loading and unloading boxes and filling my brand new apartment with them.  I've been doing it.  But oh how I hate it!  I'd rather lie on my couchless floor and stare at the ceiling, mad that I have to do it in the first place.  Can't I just hire people to move for me?

Oh yeah, I looked around.  The cheapest I found for hired help is $420.  Yikes!  Patrick keeps telling me that he'd help me, but he lives 3 hours away.  I think it's pathetic of me to have my boyfriend drive 3 hours to come help me move and then have to drive 3 hours back home so he can get back to work. 

But he would be free help.  Hmmm.  Might have to rethink this.

I've been searching Craigslist for a couch set.  I found a really pretty cream colored leather set- couch and loveseat.  For $275.  And guess what!  They live two buildings away from me!  The only thing I needed was for a lovely apartment neighbor who drives a truck to drive it from one building to mine and then help me carry it up the stairs! 

So I spotted some people moving in, using a U-Haul truck.  I offered them $25 if they could just drive the couches from the one building to mine and help me move them.  The guy said, "Sure!" and said he'd be back in a few.  I told him I'd be back because I wanted to get some money out to pay for the couches and for his labor.

I drove just across the street to the ATM, got money out and drove back.  3 minutes tops.  He and his U-Haul were gone.  They were nowhere to be found!  I couldn't believe it! 

So being out of a truck, I had no way to get the couches to my place.  I couldn't expect the seller to carry it with me down the sidewalk-- it was too far a walk and it's cold out.

What a jerk.  I should've put on some makeup and something cute. 

Anyway, so now I'm just spending my days moving stuff into my apartment and searching for a couch set that a seller would deliver to me!  Please please please keep me in your prayers!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Guess Who's Back!!

Who has big feet, a large head and pair of funky ears? 

I moved into my apartment a couple of days ago.  I don't know if I just didn't want to be alone or if I couldn't stand the fact that he was only a 20 minute drive away and wasn't with me.  All I know is as soon as I got the keys to my apartment, I picked him up and brought him to our new home.  And it was like we were never apart anyway.

His toys are everywhere!  And his smiles are huge!  I was super happy to have him back again.

So he has big feet that go thump everytime he trots around the place.  He has a big head and a long pointy muzzle.  And I never got his ears taped, he has soft ears, so they're all floppy and funky looking.  If you guessed Charlie, you are awesome.  Yep, I picked him up from his foster home and brought him to our apartment where he got nice and comfortable real fast.

We did lots of snuggling, training and playing.  I've missed his gooberness!  He's so friggin lovable!

The morning after I brought him home, I woke up because something was dropped onto my belly.  I picked it up and saw that it was Charlie's little toy.  He sat in front of me, staring at me as if he was saying, "Play?"  LOL Like a little kid.

Okay, I do have to admit one thing:  Dog toys are gross.  Aren't they?  They're always covered in slime if you play with them.  And they have tons of holes in them from always getting punctured by canines.  And if you let them play with the toys outside?  You're looking at a dirty, grassy, slimy hole punched piece of rubber that for some reason our pets find so appealing. 

Anyway, we are having a blast together!  I can't wait til the kids get here.  Can you imagine?  My home will be filled with so much noise, food and activities than a single person can stand.  I'm excited!

He carries this big rubber ball called the Jolly Ball.  He carries it around and shakes his head back and forth.  Then he rolls it to me and looks at me as if I'm expected to roll it back.  Of course I do!

The poor baby.  It was thundering and he had the most pitiful look on his face.

I was online looking for furniture.  And he was bored.  He kept doing this obnoxious sigh, as if he was sooo disappointed in me.

Now that I have my Charlie back, it feels like I'll have my whole family back in no time!